What it’s like to eat cacao fruit

Thứ năm - 13/05/2021 15:36
The source of all chocolate is the cacao fruit.
The source of all chocolate is the cacao fruit. The white fruit pulp surrounding the beans is delicious, but when people make commercial chocolate, they discard the pulp and only use the beans. With a fresh cacao fruit like this, you can enjoy the fruit pulp and cacao beans together.
The original chocolate is the fruit of the cacao tree. This tropical fruit is still the source of all chocolate and cocoa today. Every chocolate candy bar you’ve ever eaten, every chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake, fudge brownie, chocolate Easter bunny, chocolate milk, every steaming mug of hot cocoa you’ve ever sipped – it all came from this fruit.
To eat cacao fruit, you pop one of those pulp-covered seeds in your mouth, and suck the sweet flesh off the seed. The pulp has a wonderful complex fruity flavor, sweet and tart, with hints of citrus, mango, maybe even pineapple. The flesh reminds me a lot of the complex fruity flavor blends in a cherimoya and atemoya, tropical fruits in the Annona genus. Sometimes there’s a hint of chocolate-y flavor alongside all the fruity tastes in the pulp.

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